Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tiny Creatures

While working on the front yard, Daddy found four cicada shells for C.  She was fascinated by them and immediately wanted to look them up online. This was her favorite video:

Later while helping Daddy, we also found a small common toad in the bushes.  She loved looking at it for a while, and finding it in our wildlife book.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Duck Pond & Aquarium

Hubby found a great little business park that was really a nice nature spot in the middle of the city, so we took the girls one morning.  They enjoyed being able to freely explore.  C was enamored by the ducks.  She kept wanting to get up close, but since she didn't have bread, they were not interested.  D loved tailing behind her big sister.  We also saw a lot of dragonflies, and even a huge group of caterpillars all on one tree branch.  We did a bit of bird watching as well.  The girls truly enjoyed themselves.  Too bad it was insanely hot, or we would have stayed longer.  We also had a trip to the aquarium planned.

Monday, July 19, 2010

C is starting Kinder!

We have officially started Kindergarten!  C is very excited to start doing "schoolwork" again.  We started really early because she doesn't quite understand the concept of "summer vacation."  For C, there is no vacation from learning, and honestly, I like that. 

We'll be using the Charlotte Mason method.  I adore her educational philosophy, and truly they are the beliefs I have held all along.  I'm so glad that there are so many resources out there that follow her method.

I will try to post more regularly.  Even though I have records for everything on my computer, it will be nice to document in pictures along the way as well.  (I should have taken a pic of her first day!  I forgot!)

So, here's to the many more "little discoveries" that we will encounter this year!